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As we kick off 2019, it’s time to focus on goals and resolutions for the new year. A lot of goals and new year resolutions revolve around health. Eating more healthy choices, getting back in the gym, and recommitting to personal care and overall wellness. One thing I encourage you to do is to see your primary care doctor in 2019. I know it sounds simple, but having an annual checkup can be beneficial now and in the long-term. If you don’t already have an annual checkup scheduled, take some time this month to get one on the calendar.

Did you know: If you are on the company insurance, 100% of your preventative care is covered.  Preventative care is all routine health care, including screenings, check-ups, and patient counseling, to prevent or discover illness, disease, or other health problems.

Make some time this week to set your annual checkup for 2019!

3 Benefits to an Annual Checkup:

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