Today, May 31, 2023 is World No Tobacco Day.

Nearly 12% of the US population, almost 28.3 million adults smoke cigarettes, 2.1% use a form of smokeless tobacco like dip and 1 in 20 Americans “vape” or use e-cigarettes. Tobacco use has been linked to elevated risk for heart disease, cancer, inflammatory disease like arthritis and overall impaired immune system functioning.

We are all aware of these health statistics by now. But did you know that tobacco use also affects the health of our earth? Here are just a few statistics:

  • Tobacco products are the most littered item on the planet, containing over 7,000 toxic chemicals, which leech into our environment.
  • Roughly 4.5 trillion cigarette filters pollute our oceans, rivers, city sidewalks, parks, soil and beaches every year.
  • Products like cigarettes, smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes also add to the build-up of plastic pollution. Cigarette filters make up the second-highest form of plastic pollution worldwide.

If you want to quit – Atlantic has got you covered. You can reach out to one of our health coaches, you can take advantage of low to no cost nicotine replacement therapy and medications on our medical plan, you can also call the national Quit Line at 1-800-Quit Now. If you need help getting started, reach out to Becca Schusler at or 704-909-5731.