When we hear about Race2Rio participants who have exceeded their goals, we like to share them! Check out some of our Senior Managers and see what keeps them on track and motivated.
Roger Teague
Team: Argentina
The office isn’t the only place that Roger takes numbers seriously. When it comes to his health, Roger makes sure he keeps his numbers in check by going to the gym 5 days a week, getting to the office by 6 am to do a full workout. “I do cardio three days a week either on the treadmill or punching bag, and on the other two days I do a strength & conditioning workout.”
“I read the book Younger Next Year and it opened my eyes to what happens to our bodies as we age. After age 30, an inactive adult can lose 3-5% of their muscle mass per decade. So, if you don’t do something to reverse or slow the “tide,” by the time you are 70 walking to the mailbox may be as strenuous activity as you can manage.”
Roger: “God does not promise us a tomorrow, but if I make it to retirement, I want to have the strength and good health to be active and fully enjoy my retirement.”
Mark Scott
Team: Hungary
It may only be 3 weeks into the challenge, but Mark says his activity has ramped up since Race2Rio started. “When everybody can check out your step counts from the leaderboard, there’s no place to hide when you’ve been sitting around too much. And Atlantic is a competitive bunch.”
When his steps were looking low earlier this week, Mark started getting calls and emails from his team encouraging to get moving. “Fortunately I have thick skin, but clearly I also had no choice but to get out there and STEP IT UP! And that’s a good thing!” Not only has Mark benefitted from the Race2Rio, but his dog has too. “My dog got a little thick over the winter, so the Race has gotten his steps up as well. It’s a WIN-WIN for both of us!”
Henry Boon
Team: South Africa
Getting up at 5:30 am may not be easy for him, but Henry does it every morning to start his day with a workout. And even though the Race2Rio challenge is step-based, he understands the importance of incorporating other activity into his routine.
“My plan is to do some strength training Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings with a focus on core and upper body. Tuesday and Thursday mornings my plan is to get in some aerobic exercise on the stationary bike or road bike. I try to run one day on the weekend.” To get his steps in, Henry and his wife enjoy the outdoors and go on evening walks.
Henry: “I exercise because I believe it will contribute toward a longer active life. Regular exercise helps me sleep better and cope better with stress.”
Stewart Whitmire
Team: New Zealand
One of Stewart’s favorite parts of the Race2Rio challenge is the team component. “It’s been fun getting to know some people we normally wouldn’t see as often. It also helps to have a little extra motivation to know you need to do your part for the team.”
With over 80,000 steps the first two weeks of the challenge and well on his way this week, Stewart says someone else is a big fan of the Race2Rio challenge too, his dog! “Our dog is also a big fan of the wellness challenges because she gets lots of extra walks in during the contests.”