South Africa took 2nd place on Monday, July 11th completing over 9,168,000 steps. Congratulations to the following team members on South Africa: Cyndi Bruzgulis, Michael Nameth, Joseph Sereta, Timothy Johnson, Henry Boon, Lanny Wilson, Robert Jones, Rudy Turnage, Carmelo Marrero Ruiz, Will Graves, Al Mason, and Kenneth Myers.
Australia finished in 3rd place on Tuesday, July 12th competing over 9,168,000 steps. Congratulations to the following team members on Australia: Mike Grubb, Marie Leon, Marian Mercer, MJ McGowan, Angela Biggs, Tommy Little, Anthony Gunter, Dawn Austin, Christian Girard, Lorie Carpenter, Linda Bennett, and Maria Petty.
Good luck to everyone and remember to keep stepping to make sure your team reaches Rio by August 21st. Don’t forget, there’s a Grand Prize Drawing of $5,000 and an Overachiever Drawing of $2,500 at the end of the challenge. See you at the finish line!